What is the Premium Tax Credit & Am I Eligible?

premium tax credit

Health insurance can be pricey.

Luckily, you can get a refundable tax credit just for purchasing health insurance through the Marketplace.

Keep reading to find out how you qualify.

What is the Premium Tax Credit (PTC)?

First, individuals and families with low to moderate income homes can receive a refundable credit (meaning you can receive a refund if it exceeds your tax) to afford their health insurance.


In order to qualify for the PTC, you must meet the following: Continue reading “What is the Premium Tax Credit & Am I Eligible?”

10 Tax Changes for 2019!

how will my taxes change

After each tax season ends, another creeps up on you.

You might wonder what the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has in store for you this year. The answer is a lot. Many of the common deductions you know will either be limited or removed until 2025, when the TCJA expires.

  1. No more personal and dependent exemptions.

The $4,050 personal exemption that taxpayers claim for themselves, spouses and dependents are no longer available in 2019. Currently, you can still deduct personal exemptions for the 2017 tax year. Click here to deduct your personal exemptions now.

  1. The Standard Deduction doubles.

Continue reading “10 Tax Changes for 2019!”