What is the Premium Tax Credit & Am I Eligible?

premium tax credit

Health insurance can be pricey.

Luckily, you can get a refundable tax credit just for purchasing health insurance through the Marketplace.

Keep reading to find out how you qualify.

What is the Premium Tax Credit (PTC)?

First, individuals and families with low to moderate income homes can receive a refundable credit (meaning you can receive a refund if it exceeds your tax) to afford their health insurance.


In order to qualify for the PTC, you must meet the following: Continue reading “What is the Premium Tax Credit & Am I Eligible?”

The IRS has announced the start of the tax season!

when can you start filing taxes

Last night, the IRS confirmed that January 28, 2019 will be the start of the tax season.

Although live assistance from the IRS number isn’t available, their staff is determined to keep the tax season going. “We are committed to ensuring that taxpayers receive their refunds notwithstanding the government shutdown. I appreciate the hard work of the employees and their commitment to the taxpayers during this period,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said.

Now that you have an idea of when you should have your 2018 tax return prepared by, here’s what you need to know.

Will my refund still be delayed?

Continue reading “The IRS has announced the start of the tax season!”