Our recent series of articles, on how an IRS audit of your Federal tax return is triggered, has now been completed. You may now peruse all three installments for a complete view of the audit risks you may be unaware of, the best practices to comply with IRS regulations, and methods to document your finances properly and prevent the IRS from casting undue suspicion on your tax return. Continue reading “The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips –
Our series is now complete.”
The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips –
The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips
Part 3: Deduction Triggers
Tax Audit Triggers & Tips:
Part 1: Audit Rules – Part 2: Income & Credit Triggers – Part 3: Deduction Triggers
Welcome to the third and final part of our series on how to avoid an IRS audit. In our first part, we gave you a basic outline of how IRS audits happen. Last time, we showed you how the income you report and credits you claim can make the IRS suspicious. In today’s article, we’re explaining how the deductions you claim can lead to an audit. Read on, and find out how and why the IRS moves your tax return to the top of the audit stack, and what you can do to avoid getting audited. Continue reading “The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips
Part 3: Deduction Triggers”
The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips
Part 2: Income & Credit Triggers
Tax Audit Triggers & Tips:
Part 1: Audit Rules – Part 2: Income & Credit Triggers – Part 3: Deduction Triggers
Welcome to the second part of our series on how to avoid an IRS audit. In our opening installment, we reviewed the IRS audit process from a broad viewpoint. This time, we’re explaining how the income you report and the credits you claim can lead to an audit. In our final article, we’ll tackle the topic of suspicious deductions. Read on, and find out how and why the IRS moves your tax return to the top of the audit stack, and what you can do to avoid getting audited. Continue reading “The Dread Tax Audit: Triggers and Tips
Part 2: Income & Credit Triggers”