If you sell electricity or credits from your solar energy panels, you may have to report that income to the IRS.
There has not been a definitive ruling from the IRS on how exactly to treat income from solar panels on your taxes. The best course of action is to consult an accountant or tax lawyer on the details of your specific situation. Remember, if you fail to report this income correctly, the IRS could hold you responsible for back taxes, as well as penalties and interest.
That being said, there are really two distinct issues at play here: electricity and energy credits. Making money producing and selling electricity is totally separate from making money selling energy credits.
Let’s tackle the issue of electricity first. Of the two, it’s the most cut and dry. Income from electricity generated from solar panels is no different from any other income and is therefore taxable.
When asked about this issue, IRS spokesman Gregg Semanick responded, “All worldwide income is taxable unless specifically exempted by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). In this case, it is not exempted by the IRC and is taxable income.” Continue reading “Is Income from Solar Panels Taxable?”