Where Is My NY State Tax Refund?

Find out when you should receive your 2012 New York state tax refund

Are you still waiting on a tax refund from New York state? You can check the status of your state refund online by using the Income Tax Refund Status tool on the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website. If you prefer to use the phone you can also check the status of your refund by calling 518-457-5149.

These days you can expect your federal refund from the IRS in under twenty-one days. In some cases they are even fast enough to get your money out in a week. State operations are not quite so sophisticated.

New York says to expect your refund six to eight weeks after they receive your return. As with federal taxes, the fastest way to get your refund is by e-filing your return and then requesting your refund by direct deposit. Mailing your return in to the tax office and requesting a paper check will both slow down the refund process.

If you really want to know when you’ll get your refund the moment that information become available, you can sign up to receive an email from New York State as soon as they process your return. The message will include the amount of your refund, the expected payment date, and the payment method. In order to receive this email, you have to sign up through the online services. Continue reading “Where Is My NY State Tax Refund?”

Do Dependents Have to File Taxes?

Depending on how much earned and unearned income they have, dependents may have to file a tax return

Even if you are claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return, you may still have to file a return of your own.

Whether or not you have to file depends on how much income you have, specifically how much earned and unearned income.

Only Earned Income

In the chart below is the amount of earned income above which a dependent must file a tax return. As with almost everything involving the IRS, this isn’t just one simple number. The threshold changes depending on your filing status, age, and blindness. Find your situation on the chart to see how much earned income will force you to file a return.

Continue reading “Do Dependents Have to File Taxes?”

Can I File My 2009 Taxes Online in 2015?

The last chance to claim a 2009 Tax Refund Was April 15, 2013, but you can still file 2009 Taxes with RapidTax.

Yes, you can still file your 2009 taxes. However,  the IRS has a statute of limitations that only allows you to get a refund for three years after the original due date of a return.

In other words, you can file your late 2009 tax return, but you won’t be able to claim your 2009 refund. The last day to file and get a 2009 refund was April 15, 2013. After this date, the government stopped issuing 2009 refunds, even though you’re technically still required to file a 2009 return.

If you weren’t expecting a 2009 refund and instead, have tax due, you’ll want to file your 2009 taxes as soon as possible.

Continue reading “Can I File My 2009 Taxes Online in 2015?”