More landlord tax deductions
As a landlord, you know first hand how fast the “little things” really add up.
Filling up the gas tank after traveling to pick up rent checks, fixing a broken window, and replacing a lock are just a few examples of expenses that total up over time.
The good news it that each of the expenses just mentioned is in fact tax deductible. Yes, even your vehicle mileage.
In part 1 of this article, we explained that the services you paid for could be included as deductible rental expenses. There are other landlord tax deductions you’ll want to include on your tax return.
What other rental expenses can I include as a deduction?
If you earned rental income, as we mentioned, you can deduct the expenses that you paid in relation to:
- upkeeping & maintaining a rental property
- conserving & managing a rental property Continue reading “Tax Deductions for Landlords (Part 2)”