I’m Late Filing My Tax Extension–What Do I Do!?

Every one of us has had an extension for something in our lives. Whether it is a school paper, something due at work, or our taxes, we all need a little more time on occasion. But what if you’re late with that extension? What if you were supposed to be filing your tax extension 3 months ago and you still haven’t? Then what?

This is a more common situation than you might initially think. Because filing a tax extension usually means getting rid of money–money that often you can ill-afford to spare–it’s common for people to put off filing if they can. But this is not the best way to get rid of your tax problem. This is: Continue reading “I’m Late Filing My Tax Extension–What Do I Do!?”

Is My 2008 Tax Return Still Eligible For a Refund?

Not filing a tax return is a more common situation than you might think. Every year millions of Americans don’t file a tax return for a lot of reasons, the most common being they didn’t know they had to. Even if your only source of income is unemployment, disability, or a social security check, you still have to pay taxes. Even if it’s your 2008 tax return that’s sitting around.

The good news is that most people who fit into the above categories are eligible for refunds. Big refunds. That 2008 tax return isn’t so much a burden for you to file out, as a source of money you’re not tapping. Here’s why: Continue reading “Is My 2008 Tax Return Still Eligible For a Refund?”

Can My 2009 Tax Extension Be Filed Online?

Forgetting to file your taxes by the April 15th deadline can be a very scary thing. It’s easy to imagine your future financial troubles: losing your car, your house, going into debt, or having to file for bankruptcy. What’s less easy for people to imagine is something like the 2009 tax extension form: an easy, simple to fill out form that lets you pay the IRS later.

I know, I know. You won’t believe me because the words IRS and easy being in the same sentence doesn’t compute in your brain. But it gets even easier: you can actually file your 2009 tax extension form online! Here’s the how and why: Continue reading “Can My 2009 Tax Extension Be Filed Online?”